Common Names:- Montpellier broom
Homotypic Synonyms:- Cytisus monspessulanus, Genista candicans, Genista
syriaca, Genista monspessulana.
Meaning:- Teline Meaning unknown
Monspessulana (L) From Montpellier, S France.
General description:- Erect, slender, unarmed shrub.
1) 50-200 cm; twigs densely villous.
1) 3-foliate; leaflets 5-13 mm, obovate to oblanceolate.
1) Short-pedicellate, in clusters of 4-7 at the ends of short lateral branches, main
branch continuing the growth.
2) Calyx, bilabiate, the upper lip deeply 2-fid,the lower with 3 indistinct teeth.
3) Corolla, 10-13 mm, glabrous, yellow.
1) Legume, 15-25 x 3-5 mm, narrowly oblong, with long, villous to lanate.
2) Seeds. 3-6, c 2.5 mm, strophiolate, dark greyish-brown, smooth.
Habitat:- Scrubland vegetation, open deciduous and mixed woodland, gorges,
mostly on non-calcareous substrates. 0-800 m.
Distribution:- Mainland Greece. Widespread in the Mediterranean region and
Macaronesia. Rare on Crete, known from only a few location in the Lefka Ori and
Psiloritis massifs.
Flowering time:- Apr to early June.
Photos by:- Courtesy of Wiki-Commons